
I lost all my cookie jam levels
I lost all my cookie jam levels

i lost all my cookie jam levels

Then you go to candy crush, verify that the 5 lives were added and BEFORE PLAYING you go back to settings and change it to be set automatically. Update: rodrigonew in the comments adds this brilliant twist to the extra lives cheat:įor "cheat time for extra lives" one, there's a better way: go to settings>set date and time>set manually>add a day. Remember to change the time from PM to AM if you are going past midnight. You will eventually have to pay back the time, but schedule that for when you're sleeping anyway. Go to Settings > General> Date & Time > Set Time Off > Set Date and Time > Add two hours forward and get 4 more lives in your game. Turn the clock on your mobile device ahead 2 hours, and then keep playing to your hearts content. If you don't use Facebook, there's still a cheat to get you extra lives. Chocolate will also not eat a fruit or nut, though it will absorb bombs. Chocolate will avoid special candy if it can. You can clear the entire board of chocolate using this method, though in later levels there is a chocolate maker which will bring them back in vicious fashion.

i lost all my cookie jam levels

Try to destroy chocolate each round so that it won't regenerate the next. This is a great way to keep chocolate at bay. If you've eaten a piece of chocolate one round, chocolate will not regenerate the following round. You may have a sprinkle and not even realize it if you're watching the candies from a lesser move get crushed. Each time you start a new level, look at the hardest element on that level and think out how you can defeat it first before you use up lives. Take a moment each move to see if you can get rid of edge jellies and, if not, go after an easier one. These jellies have the least number of combinations which can eliminate them, so will be the hardest to get rid of. When getting rid of jellies, only worry about the edges, especially the corners and bottoms. Clear jellies on the edge!Ĭlearing jellies on the edge. For example, I usually make it a rule to kill low number bombs first, then chocolate, then go after the blocks. Prioritize getting rid of evil candy by their threat levels.

I lost all my cookie jam levels